Nature Cure is the teachings about the life process and the basic conditions that are necessary for a life of good health and how to regain health in a natural way without the use of medicines. Nature Cure teaches that the body is self-healing and self-regenerating. The power to heal lies within.
Nature Cure is based on the teachings of the founder of Vincent Priessnitz and others such as Louis Kuhne, Dr. John Tilden, Dr. Henry Lindlahr, Professor Edmond Szekely and legendary Australian Nature Cure practitioner Kenneth Jaffrey.
Did you know that Mahatma Gandhi was a Nature Curist? You can read about this in the history of Nature Cure. Other topics include basic requirements for health, the causes of disease, positive thinking, nerve energy and circulation, the healing power of nature, the healing cycle, natural therapy, diet, exercise, a holistic view and the environment.